Prayer Sanctuary

Prayer & Worship


The Atmosphere of Worship –
Blessings, Please click on the beautiful prayer & worship instrumental before prayerfully reading the content on this page.
Setting an atmosphere of worship unto God the Father will keep you in the fullness of the anointed joy and peace of the Throne of God throughout your day!

Experience The Glory of the Father Today Join me in Prayer Below!

For Best Results: I recommend using earphones.

1. Click on the Prayer Instrumental below.
2. Next, click on the audio of the Prayer Intercession below that, if you prefer to join in prayer with me audibly or you may just read the prayer on this page as the instrumental plays. (please note a volume adjustment control for the prayer audio may not populate on mobile devices. However, it is available on desktop or laptop computers.
3. Allow the presence of the Lord to saturate your heart and empower you for a victorious day!

Prayer Instrumental Music – Click the MP3 Player Below.

Music Credit: Eman’s Tracks

Audio of Prayer – Click The Media Player Below

Blessings, first & foremost I want to on this gift of “today” give praise and worship and honor to our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!

Father God, I honor You, as the Most High God. I honor You as the I Am that I Am of our Lives. I worship and adore You, I offer up thanksgiving for this day.

Thank you for giving us this day our daily bread; spiritually, mentally, physically & emotionally, and in every area of our lives.

Thank you Abba Father God for Your blessings & protection upon me, my family, and the woman reading this right now in the mighty name of Jesus!

Secondly, to the woman reading this, this moment. In this prayer & worship post, I want to declare to you that God has designed you as a woman after His heart.

Therefore, you are created fearfully and wonderfully as His word declares in Psalm 139:14.

He has deposited in you life-changing & empowering gifts, talents & purpose.

Consequently, you are designed to reflect His image of beauty and anointing because God made you in His beauty for the purpose of His holiness.

I pray that this day finds you in the place of His peace, strength, and prosperity. Consequently, as you enter into prayer and worship on this page.

However, if you have come upon this post today, and at this moment, you don’t feel beautiful or wonderful or it is a day of great challenge or struggle. Or, you may be searching for purpose or stuck in some area of your life.

It is vitally important to know that your healing, beauty, significance, security & worth are found in Him.

You have great purpose and you are loved, because of the love He has made available for you, through Jesus.

When feelings fail you when all around you points to failure, disappointment, and dysfunction. You must know where to go for truth and help. That truth and help come from the Lord God.

Furthermore, my mission is to be used by the Holy Spirit to help you get from where you are to the next level of glory and faith of where God wants you to be. I pray that you will, by faith, experience the beauty of God that is so life-changing. No failure, disappointment, or dysfunction is impossible to overcome when you surrender all of your life and dreams to Him.

Father God, I pray, set your seal of extravagant love on the heart and life of this woman right now. Open her spiritual eyes and heart that she will receive Your life-transforming salvation of wholeness and deliverance. May she receive & declare her salvation and freedom now in the mighty name of Jesus.

Therefore, in the name of Jesus and in the power You have invested in me as a born again, Holy Ghost filled, Baptized believer. I take authority over the strategies of the devil that has come against her in the mighty name of Jesus. Let freedom come to her life now. Let her be loosed from all that has held her captive. Thank You Jesus for setting her free.

In this post, I prayerfully invite you to become a part of The Woman of God Dream Empowerment “Faith-Life” Vision School of Life Coaching & Spiritual Growth.

Dear Sister, I invite you to leave a message or comment if this blog post has ministered to you. Additionally, you may view more specific information at the Faith Life Vision Coaching Portal here

2 thoughts on “Prayer & Worship”

  1. Amen, amen & amen . I receive it & claim this over my life . I stand in agreement in the name of Jesus

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