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Sister, We are Praying for you.

Blessing Ladies upon your day, I pray you and your family are well. I invite you to join me in lifting up a beautiful woman of God today! As the Holy Spirit has released this prophetic prayer for Joyce, I know there are so many others that may need this time of intercession as well.

***(A music player with a prayer instrumental will populate at the top or bottom of this page. Please feel free to play the song as you pray with me for Joyce).

Music Credit: Eman’s Tracks

prayer and worship sanctuary
Prayer is the Fragrance of heaven that perfumes the earth with the transforming, healing, and wealth of the heart of God
Music Credit: Eman’s Tracks

Dear J O Y C E – A Prophetic Prayer of Intercession

As JOY is the foundation of your name, Let the fruit of Joy from the Holy Spirit be the strength of your day!

J-esus says to you today, My Joy is your strong today!

Joyce, come unto me when you are heavy laden. I am always here to give you rest and love.

O-n Christ- I am your Solid Rock, you can stand; all other ground is sinking sand.

Joyce – He is your Solid Rock today and every day of your life’s journey. You won’t sink in this process, keep your eyes on Him. This storm will pass. Having done all to stand, the Spirit of The Lord says STAND, you are fortified to stand in HIS MIGHT!

Y-ou are an overcomer. I have made you more than a conqueror.

Joyce, Christ living in you has triumphantly overcome everything that life and the enemy has tried to overwhelm you. You won with Him on the Cross. He is acquainted with every beat and grief of your heart, in every season of your life.

C-ast the cares of this day. He says, give them to ME Joyce and don’t take them back.

Joyce, keep casting them on the Lord, then you will have more space, and more space, for the abundance of His peace that is able to fill every void and heal all hurts.

E-ach day is a precious gift from me, I Am your Abba Father.

Joyce, no matter the highs and lows, it is filled with His healing flow, just what you need for today. He supplies all your needs according to His bountiful riches in Glory. He is feeding you today your daily bread. His ever-loving arms are holding you close in His embrace.

Therefore, Joyce, Arise in the comforting, anointing of the strength of the Lord. Jesus is singing over you His comforting words, Hallelujah! His light of glory, His river of living water is flowing through and upon you this very moment!

Intercession & Declaration of Faith

Father God, of heaven’s glory, we worship and adore You in the beauty of Your holiness. With thanksgiving, we pray that You will carry Joyce through this day. We thank You for Your never-failing faithfulness to fill her with Your healing victory.

We decree and declare Your joy be her strength. Your Peace that passes all understanding be upon every breath she breathes.

We decree & declare the Holy Spirit is adorning you Joyce in the holy garment of praise and the spirit of any heaviness is dismantled from you.

Father God, we thank You for perfecting all that concerns her.

Joyce, the Word of Faith declares your spirit is one with Christ whole & complete. Spirit of the Living God, I cry out for my sister for the anointing to fall fresh on her emotions. Go right to the place that is bleeding now, Joyce be being healed in the name of Jesus. Fall fresh upon her mind Lord, thank you for empowering her to cast down imaginations that try to rise against the knowledge of God. I speak the Word of faith to her body, be saturated in Jesus’ salvation of wholeness & healing. Your faith, family, & finances are saturated in the wisdom and divine wealth of God’s Kingdom. Now, Joyce, I pray the faith of God arise in you to believe and receive what God has said to you.

Father God, this is the day that You have made. A day that has bestowed a wealth of healing and benefits for her life’s journey.

You are the One that began the good work in her and You are the One that is faithful to complete it. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit that empowers her to delight herself in You. I decree and declare the fresh oil of the anointing, restoring new holy desires, new holy dreams to come forth in your timing Father God, according to Your will. That You be glorified in the life of our sister. That she is a living memorial of Your awesome faithfulness. In the Almighty, anointed, burden removing, yoke destroying name of Jesus!

Much love & prayers to you Joyce.

Much love & prayers to any woman that God has prepared this prophetic word for today!

Lady Jestina Bowles

2 thoughts on “Sister, We are Praying for you.”

  1. This was beautiful Lady Bowles! As I prayed for Joyce with you, I went back over the prayer and spoke those words into my spirit. This was truly a prophetic word spoken! Love you and thank you! πŸŒΉβ€οΈπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ

    1. Blessing my Dear Sister, Lady Adderly, I so thank God for you and the beauty of His holiness in you. Thank you so much for yielding to the mantle of intercession for Joyce and all that God has appointed this assignment to. I am so blessed that it also was a blessing for you. Hallelujah, the comfort that we receive of God, we are empowered to release that comfort upon others in Jesus name. Love you, keeping you in my prayers!

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