Dream Empowerment Daily Quote Post

Dream Empowerment Faith Quote

The Woman of God Dream Empowerment “Faith-Life Vision” Coaching Portal

Welcome to Dream Empowerment Faith Quote for Today!

This Dream Empowerment Faith quote is based on this faith address in the Word of God. But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Hebrews 11:6 – KJV

The Word of God is a supernatural search and rescue light. No matter the darkness, it is more than able to lead you out and into the great reveal of God’s purpose for your life.

I decree & declare the marvelous light of God’s purpose to annihilate any darkness coming against you, and for His great glory of purpose to manifest through you in Jesus’ name.

By Lady Jestina Bowles – Faith-Life Vision Coach
Dream Power Nugget from the Word

Amens or prayer request are welcome in the comment field below. Do you identify with this truth today!

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Inspirationally yours,

Lady Jestina Bowles

Faith-Life Vision Coach
