The Woman of God Dream Empowerment Faith Life Vision School Blog Post Woman of God Dream Empowerment Faith Life Vision Coaching

God is in the Midst of Her, She Shall Not Fail!

Blessings Ladies, A Word for you Below!

God is in the Midst of Her…She Shall Not Fail! Saith The Lord!  What a Right Now Word for the world we are experiencing right this moment. Thank You Jesus, Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven!

Cell Phone Screen Saver
Cell Phone Screen Saver

***Just for my subscribers! If you would like to purchase this Version 5 Screen Saver above, please message me here and request the coupon code of a 25% discount.(For your one-time personal use only). Additionally, click on the link under the graphic to navigate to the product page.

Psalm 46 is filled with wonderful promises as all of the Word of God is.  This screen saver will remind you daily as you glance at your phone so many times, of the Sovereign Love & Power of God over our lives.

God is in the Midst of Her She Shall Not Fail!

Consequently, this phone screen saver is based on the theme of my 2022 Journal ” Be Still and Know That I am God”, a scripture in Psalm 46.

The journal is now available in my Amazon Store.  I am excited and ignited as I plan for 2022.  Additionally, God willing, this journal will be where we capture the anointed treasure from the heart of God during our sessions of The Woman of God Faith-Life Vision School of Dream Empowerment. I invite you to join the army of women the Holy Spirit is calling forth  that are after the heart of God by registering to be a part of this virtual School.  You can find more information about the school here.

I am listening and praying and seeking the Lord, for the first dream/vision theme for 2022.  Thus far, I hear  “Relationship Dreams”.

Therefore, unless the Holy Spirit says something different, that is where we will begin.  I would appreciate you lifting our upcoming school year up in your prayer time.   Additionally, I welcome you to share with me some areas of relationship that you need to focus on. Where are you struggling to Be Still and Know that He is God. Also you may send me your specific prayer request  (please advise if it should not be spoken or posted publicly, as we will pray publicly as the Lord leads).

In Psalm 46, as God spoke to the enemies of the Israelites,

God says to Satan, the enemy of your life, no matter how you strive against my people, you will not win against them. Satan, you will know and the world will know and accept that I AM GOD and that time is soon and very soon .

Most importantly, Elect Ladies, God is saying to you today, ( the church, His people, His chosen, you), I Am in the midst of her, she shall not fail!

In the midst of all the sin, hurt, chaos & dysfunction in this fallen world, God declares He is our refuge and the gates of hell shall not prevail against His church(you).  Therefore, hear what the Spirit is saying to the church, know this my daughter, keep the faith, know your eternal purpose. You will not fail. You will rule and reign with Me eternally & victoriously.

You will notice the hashtag on the screen saver declares #eternalperspective. It is so important that we not allow what we see & feel physically and emotionally to destroy the dream, & faith vision of our purpose.  In this life we will experience the fiery darts of the enemy coming against us, it is called spiritual warfare. However, Hallelujah, but God! He promised and He delivered.  He delivered the power of the Holy Spirit which is a must need on this earth to triumph in this warfare.  You are empowered to trample the works of Satan now, and look forward to the eternal whammy against him, you are a winner over him eternally.  Go ahead, Take your place of authority. Speak to the mountain, cast down the imagination trying to rear its ugliness over the powerful Word of God.  God is in the Midst of Her…She Shall Not Fail saith the Lord!

Please feel free to share this with a woman, a young lady, or a college student as the Lord will lead. As well as invite her to sign up for the blog.

In His Service, Lady Jestina Bowles

#anointedglorycarrier #divineatmospherechanger

2 thoughts on “God is in the Midst of Her, She Shall Not Fail!”

  1. Thank you for the word on this blog…
    My question is how to be still ,even in the midst of day to day activities you try to seek and hear his voice, but have too much going on but yet want to be in his perfect will not his permissive will don’t know how to BE STILL….

    1. Blessing Dear Sister Mitchell!
      Thanks so much for this question. I am sure you are not the only one inquiring of the Lord. I hear in the spirit many of our sisters and the world for that matter are crying out maybe not all to the Lord. However, we can be confident when we cry to the Lord, He hears, He answers. Our lives can spiral really fast out of balance. I am praying the wisdom of God to saturate your heart regarding this question. He says ask Me for wisdom James 1:5, I don’t want you hindered, I want you prosperous. The Woman of God Faith Life Vision School of Dream Empowerment is not only birthed to prophetically speak, teach, coach women, but also to stir up your spiritual passion to search out, war out, into the deeper places that God wants to takes us and Satan wants to hinder us….Enter in our very common phrase.. I have too much going on. I hear you, and the love of your life, Jesús, does as well. I draw your attention to these scriptures Luke 10:38-42, John 12:2 to story of Mary & Martha – My faithful Life Balance Coaching Model :). Matthew 6:33- Priority & Needs. I know there are so many more scriptures filled with the faith and answers you need right now. Thank you for trusting me to hear your heart. I am praying now, and I look forward to praying it out and walk it out in victory as we enter our sessions, God willing next year. #anointedglorycarrier #divineatmospherechanger

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