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Happy Mother’s Day! You are a Treasure

Blessed Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to you from Jestina Bowles Designs & The Woman of God Dream Empowerment Faith-Life Vision School. This is an online site of Christian Empowerment via Graphic Designing and Faith-Life Vision Coaching. Consequently, designed to minister to women through special occasion graphic design and Biblical Life Coaching.

As we celebrate Mother’s Day, We know every day is a blessed Mother’s Day all day! Can I get an Amen up in here!!! As a woman of God, wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt…, I am so blessed to honor the beauty of God in Mothers & Women.

You are a Treasure

Women, mothers, we are sooo blessed of the Lord. We have an incredible and unique gift of love expression that God has planted in us. We love hard, we hurt hard, We give our all to those we love. Therefore it is important to know, especially as the days of this world come in and go out and we see that there is an intense growing of screaming for love, but looking in all the wrong places. Where the intensity of evil is growing by the minute and are becoming eviler as we approach the soon coming of the Lord Jesus.

The World Needs the Treasure in You

This is a time, that the world needs the intensity of your gift as a woman and mother to shine like the noonday SON! No this is not new, the gift of a woman, and of motherhood as God has created us has always been intensely needed, However, it is the intensity and timing that are new. Today is different from yesterday and will be different from tomorrow.

You are born Today, in this time, for such a time as this. Therefore, Your gift of Today is required. God willing, when tomorrow becomes Today, your gift will be required again, and again…You have the ability to bring godly transformation by raising kings and queens from your womb, spiritually and physically. You are called of God to shoot forth arrows of His purpose, to raise them in the fear and admonition of the Lord! That is what changes and transforms the world. It starts from the womb, spiritually and physically.

Dream In spite of, You are Triumphant

Mothers & Fathers burying their children instead of their children burying them are all too commonplace. We can be assured that we can triumph over the evil & through the evil, through the supernatural weapon of the excellency of God’s love that resides in our hearts. This Love shoots supernaturally to heal the heart of society not kill the heart of society.

Yes, you have treasure in your earthen vessel says the Lord! Just read it ! 2 Corinthians 4 specifically in verse 7, but please read the entire chapter. You through the power of Christ were created to birth greatness for the Glory of God right in the middle of chaos, pain & dysfunction!

You Birth Light that Destroys Darkness

Although we are pressed and troubled on every side, we can stand on the treasure of The Word of God. By Faith, we will not bow to this evil mandate, but we will stand and conquer these giants victoriously through the resurrection power of Jesus Christ that declares life & love out of pain & death. Hallelujah to the Most High God!

My Mission

The Mission of Jestina Bowles Designs & The Woman of God Dream Empowerment Faith-Life Vision School is to stir up the gift of God in you and help you embrace the journey, discover the gifts and treasures of God that He has so graciously bestowed upon you. Then allow His transforming presence to guide you on this life journey & live the dream through His godly vision that is purposed to bring His marvelous light to all those you encounter.

Our Mission

I offer Faith-Life Vision Coaching based on Biblical Life- Coaching through the Word of God. Consequently, to help you get from where you are now, no matter where it is, to the next level of glory God has called you to. One step at a time, I teach you how to by faith live in the presence of the Lord, and walk in your God’s purpose.

Our Dream Power

We have a Treasure Vault of Dream Power in the Word of God! Ephesians 2:10

For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), [a]recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live].

You may view more information about my services at the link below.


In Mother’s Love,

Lady Jestina Bowles, Faith-Life Vision Coach

Anointed Glory Carrier, Divine Atmosphere Changer, For the Glory of God

“Scripture quotations are taken from the Amplified® Bible (AMPC), Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation Used by permission. www.lockman.org”