The Woman of God Dream Empowerment Faith Life Vision School Blog Post

Hold Up Devil, She’s Mine

A Prophetic Word for You Today.

(A media player with worship instrumental is available, please play while reading this prophetic word. Music Credit: Eman’s Tracks)

That prophetic title of warfare is inspired as I prayerfully think of you today.

Jesus said it like this, to Peter, Simon Peter, Satan desires (asking for you) to sift you (any child of God) as wheat. (Bringing it home ladies…He is saying… but I got you, I got this Peter, I have prayed for You! (Ref. Luke 22:31, Job 1:6-12, Job 2:1-6)

I am typing, but I am dancing and shouting in my spirit, Hallelujah!!!.

In other words ladies, as 1 Pet 5:8 tells us about a prowling devil. I say in the name of Jesus, you may howl Devil, you may growl , you may prowl, (right now, he is growling at me y’all) but Jesus SAID, and He is saying to your accuser today, But you are not going to tear this woman down.


HOLD UP DEVIL, SHE’s MINE. You will not dismantle her faith, I know she is not perfect in your sight devil, but I have and am perfecting her. I see her in her glorified perfected status.

I can trust her with this trial, I know what is in her. (He is praying that you know what and Who is in you).

I see the shining gold that is coming forth out of every trial I allow her to go through, every strategy you strategize against her. What about “It is Finished” Devil you don’t understand. You are finished, your day of final departure is at hand. I will soon go and get my beautiful bride.

Now Jesus Speaks To You (Allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the heart of Jesus to saturate your Heart).

Now I say to you, my beautiful bride, continue to bathe diligently in My Word of anointing of power, peace, healing & joy. Continue to fight the good fight of faith (guarding your heart=spirit, soul & body). You are victorious, I have prayed for you that your faith fail not!

Prayerfully submitted

Lady Jestina Bowles

The Woman of God Faith Life Vision School of Dream Empowerment

Please share this post with someone day!

I pray that you are preparing God willing to be with us as the Faith Life Vision Virtual School goes forth in 2022.

These type of prophetic post will be shared as well as powerful teachings through the Holy Spirit. We will utilize phone conference line, (recorded & live) and blog post such as this to deliver these sessions. This makes it available 24/7 for you.

Our Theme Next Year, per the Holy Spirit. Is The Relationship Theme –

The Power of An Anointed Dream Team – The Foundation of this theme is about Diligence in Spiritual Growth as we dive into the depths of the character of God, knowing God deeper and deeper. It is this important revelation of relationship that will make us and keep us growing as anointed power houses for His glory.

Additionally this revelation of relationship makes us power steppers of faith. Step by step, glory to glory and faith to faith we achieve victory, walking powerfully in our calling, as powerful women of God, wives, mothers, ministers, business owners, etc. The sub topics will be Life Balance & Our Anointed Dream. I am so pregnant with glory, and that is what God is going to do for you as you diligently apply your self to the study and application of the Word and the power of the Holy Spirit through this school.

You can register here to become a part of the School for next year. 1 year for only $49.99. Each Month you will receive a Focused Lesson for the Theme. The Be Still And Know Journal (sold in my Amazon Store) will also be a helpful tool to chart your course throughout the year. Share the Love, invite other women to join this anointed army.

Dream Empowerment Think Tank:

What do you love to do more than anything in the whole world ( this is in regards to your gifts, talents, ministry, etc)

Leaders lead, so I will answer this question as an example for you.

Answer: I truly love to sing(minister in worship unto God), and i enjoy all things creative, I am a fashion designer & graphic designer, prophetic writer.

Dream Empowerment Application

All of my designing, writing, singing, as should be, as an anointed glory carrier, are inspired by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, whatever we do, we are to do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31, Colossians 3:17

As much as I enjoy the gifting that God has so graciously given me

I must remember that it is the giver of the gift (GOD the FATHER) that must be prioritized as number 1 daily. I must remember that it is my character that crowns my gift, it is not the gift that crowns my character. This is vitally important to grasp in this success driven world. Can you offer that gift on the altar, if God required it of you? Ref. Gen. 22. Abraham/Isaac, What/Who do you love more.

Consequently, I am loved of God, important to God, not because of my gifts and talents, but because of Whose I am.

In this world, your gifting or talent may not measure up to what people think is good or acceptable based on worldly status. Therefore, you may be labeled as not successful, not beautiful, not talented, not sought after, not popular, according to worldly success.

However, God has told us to seek godly success (Matthew 6:33, Joshua 1:8).

Therefore, our affirmation must come from God who cannot fail and not be dependent on how good or popular we are in our gift or talent.

What amazing boundary protocols and life-balance mission statements we find in the Word of God. Take inventory of life today!

Prayerfully submitted

Lady Jestina Bowles

The Woman of God Faith-Life Vision School of Dream Empowerment

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