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Jesus is My Strong! –

Jesus is My Strong!

Dress Accordingly, Spirit, Soul & Body! Put on the whole armor of God!

This design will inspire you and others as you wear this featured design. The design features the inspiring faith-building affirmation, Jesus is my Strong! Based on the scripture Philippians 4:13. Ladies, walk in your calling, you are an anointed glory carrier! How dare the devil come to steal, kill & destroy the purpose God has for you, however, that is his m/o. When you know Whose you are and who you are, That Jesus Christ is your Savior & Lord, then you answer His command to be baptized in the power of the Holy Ghost then you are authorized and deputized through the power of the Holy Ghost to trample the works of the devil.

Dream Empowerment Nugget:

God has so much to pour into us as women, more importantly as women of God! The word tells us in Psalm 84:7 -They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion (when we)appeareth before God. No going backward! not wimping out in life, but empowered to go from strength to strength. No matter where you are on your journey of this amazing life You can call/cry out to God. It may not seem amazing right now if you happen to be in a place of struggle. However, You will hear me declare many times as we go forward, the dream is in the Journey. To alert us- don’t get stuck in a pothole in the road, or a pit of hurt. We must keep an #eternalperspective, Hallelujah! God is still on the throne as our Abba Father. Come and grow, and keep growing. Come and know and keep knowing Him as Lord & Savior of your life!

In His Love, for His Divine Kingdom Service!

Lady Jestina Bowles,

The Woman of God Faith-Life Vision School of Dream Empowerment