The Woman of God Dream Empowerment Faith Life Vision School Blog Post

Woman of God Empowerment Session!

Bless the Lord Oh my soul!…

Join with me in thanksgiving & worship unto our Lord & Savior…

May this session be a fullness of joy experience as His grace touches you, you will never be the same in Jesus name!

Please click the anointed Instrumental below “Throne Room” as you begin this session content.

(I am thankful to the Lord for this anointed minister/musician. As you are blessed by his ministry, feel free reach out to let him know!)

This instrumental is used by permission)

Queens with a Divine Mission, Born for Such a Time as This!

Today & every day, I awaken, I think about the goodness of Jesus. I stand in awe of His extravagant love. More and more as I learn the powerful Word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to take me deeper into the heart of Jesus I love him even more.

For the focus of this empowerment session, lets begin to meditate on the scripture and purpose of:

1 Peter 2:9

In this dark world reeling and rocking with hopelessness, I am overwhelmed that Jesus chose me and I am blessed beyond measure to have come to know the only Wise & True God, that loved me, loved the world so much that He gave and sent His son Jesus. Jesus gave His life that I can be, you can be, the world can be, if they want to be, delivered from hopelessness to blessedness.

Not only did Jesus save me from eternal hell but He crowned me in His love and birthed His purpose in me. Through the power of the Baptism in the Holy Ghost that I have received, I am now empowered as that anointed and appointed witness to tell and show that it can happen to you and any one in the world that believes. What A Divine Mission. ” We are Queens with a Divine Mission Born for Such a Time as This”

When I Think about the Goodness of Jesus!

I don’t know what you may be dealing with today, but gratefulness and thankfulness and praise to Jesus for what He has done will cause Him to answer to His name. His presence comes where His name is called and worshipped in spirit & truth. When Jesus shows up, hallelujah! the atmosphere no matter how dark, chaotic, or demonic, has to bow to the glory of heaven!

Jeremiah 33:3 Call unto me…. Sometimes we find ourselves in wilderness experiences…what am I doing here, why am I here, why me. Many times it is not only about you or about you at all. But it is a divine encounter that Jesus be glorified and destinies and purposes of people be revealed. God is working behind the scenes with supernatural precision, purpose and destiny for you, those around you & even to generations far off. As in the life of Hagar. She called on the Lord and Almighty God God El-ROI answered! He revealed Himself to Hagar and she declared, You are the God the “One that sees me”. Do you feel like no one sees or cares about what you are going through. The LORD saw her and answered her in that wilderness experience. I believe in divine appointments, and if you are here reading this post today, I decree and declare as you call out to Jesus, now, He will answer you in the wilderness, He will answer you right where you are. He is ready to divinely instruct you in & deliver you out of the wilderness you may be going thru now in the mighty name of Jesus. Your promise land is divinely prepared by the Lord, just be willing to surrender to His will.

Prophetic Decree & Declaration

In the name of Jesus, I speak to every barren place in your life, every unfulfilled dream, every wound that has been self-inflicted or enemy inflicted. I say to you in the name of Jesus, There is nothing to hard for God when you surrender it all to Him. I speak JESUS to your heart and life. JESUS, the name above every name in heaven, in earth, and under the earth. Rise up now out of the pit, out of poverty thinking, out of foolishness, out of stagnation and toxic relationships, out of the prostration in which circumstances have kept you, rise to NEW LIFE, God has called you not to mediocrity but to an excellent spirit. He is lifting you now so you can lift others He has sent you to.

JESUS, I decree & declare, is the name above every name of evil circumstance, sickness, family matter, financial matter, emotional sickness, and oppression. In the name of Jesus, let every other name bow to the matchless name of JESUS. I speak the abundant life of Jesus to annihilate the strategies of the Devil, the stealer, killer & destroyer of life that has come against you .

Father God I pray the wholeness of your salvation thru Jesus to captivate her life now. Let her deliverance and life be a divine sign and wonder of your miracle working power. Let many come to know Jesus as she testifies of the saving, healing & delivering power of Jesus in her life!

Dear Sister, It’s time to breathe again, It’s time to dream again in the all powerful name of Jesus!

If this post have been a blessing to you and you know it would bless others, please share!

May the Empowering Love of Jesus surround you as a shield and sun!

in His love, Lady Jestina Bowles

Prophetic Prayer Minister

Queens With A Divine Mission Born For Such a Time as this

Graphic Design by Jestina Bowles Designs Empowerment Planner Collection